Peace in
Making a plan for your family will bring you peace of mind, this is one of the most loving things you can do for your family and for yourself. Learn More

Peace In
Peace In Planning Making a plan for your family will bring you peace of mind, this is one of the most loving things you can do for your family and for yourself. Learn More
About Us

A Personal Relationship

Your relationship with your estate planning attorney is personal and long lasting. I need to understand your family dynamic. You need to feel safe telling me that your kids love each other. And bicker constantly. How your estate plan is designed can have a tremendous impact on the future of your family relationships.
About Us

A Personal Relationship

Your relationship with your estate planning attorney is personal and long lasting. I need to understand your family dynamic. You need to feel safe telling me that your kids love each other. And bicker constantly. How your estate plan is designed can have a tremendous impact on the future of your family relationships.
Areas We Can Help

Our Services

Your estate plan is made up of various parts, click on a document name to learn more about each part and how that piece of the plan serves you and your family.



Health Care

Financial Documents

Trust & Estate

Areas We Can Help

Areas of Practice

What is Estate Planning?

The goal of creating
an estate plan is:

  • To direct the distribution of your assets upon your passing
  • To determine who will care for you in the event of your incapacity
  • To determine who will care for your minor children in the event of your death
  • To make these decisions while you are well and to keep the discussion out of the courthouse

What is Probate?

Probate is the act of changing title from the name of a deceased person into the name of his or her heirs or beneficiaries. You may gift someone an asset in your Last Will & Testament but for almost all assets that have title (excluding cars & boats) this includes passing through the probate process for the asset to be transferred to your beneficiary.

What is a Will?

A will is a signed, witnessed and notarized document directing the distribution of your intangible assets such as stocks, bonds and real estate, after your passing. Your will usually has a simple provision for the distribution of tangible personal property, such as jewelry, cars and boats but also indicates that you may have a separate detailed list. If you have minor children your will should also indicate the person or persons that you would want to care for your children in the event of your death.
Important Note! A will does not prevent probate.

What is a Trust?

A revocable trust or living trust is a document that is executed in addition to a will and not in place of a will. A trust is active during your lifetime and by titling assets in the name of your trust, making your trust the beneficiary of other assets and ensuring that any remaining assets have named beneficiaries the probate process can be avoided entirely. A trust can be changed during your lifetime or, if the circumstances are appropriate, the trust can be revoked entirely.
Meet Your Advocate

Natalie Moldovan, PA.

Let’s sit down and talk.

I offer a free consultation, I try to stick to 30 minutes. I’m chatty. It is probably going to be an hour. We are going to talk about what your goals are for your estate plan, what your family is like, how will your family “age” and how will that impact what we do.

Let’s avoid mystery billing.

All of my estate planning is done on a flat fee basis. No one likes to wonder what the bill from the attorney will be. At the end of your consultation I will tell you what it will cost to accomplish your goals. When you call me to ask me questions during the process …your bill stays the same. It is OK if you forget the answer and call me back, and you thought of another question in between. Because YOU need to feel really comfortable asking questions. I will tell you what the process is and what to expect. I will touch base with you during that process and you are encouraged to reach out to me.

Meet Your Advocate

Natalie Moldovan, PA.

Let’s sit down and talk.

I offer a free consultation, I try to stick to 30 minutes. I’m chatty. It is probably going to be an hour. We are going to talk about what your goals are for your estate plan, what your family is like, how will your family “age” and how will that impact what we do.

Let’s avoid mystery billing.

All of my estate planning is done on a flat fee basis. No one likes to wonder what the bill from the attorney will be. At the end of your consultation I will tell you what it will cost to accomplish your goals. When you call me to ask me questions during the process …your bill stays the same. It is OK if you forget the answer and call me back, and you thought of another question in between. Because YOU need to feel really comfortable asking questions. I will tell you what the process is and what to expect. I will touch base with you during that process and you are encouraged to reach out to me.

Get Informed

Frequently Asked

So many questions, so many names for the same things, or are they different? What do they do and do you need them? Give us a call and come in for a free consultation to get your questions answered!

Yes, in almost all circumstances probate can be avoided with careful planning.

In most instances probate is best avoided because it is expensive and time consuming. There are exceptions when probate is actually beneficial to the family for various reasons which is why a discussion with an attorney is so important.

A trust can be a very beneficial tool for more than just avoiding probate. Assets can be managed more easily by the family in the event of unexpected incapacity or if you are just ready to hand the reigns over to the kids so you can tear around the golf course without a care! That being said, a trust is not right for everyone and a proper discussion with your attorney will help you decide what fits your needs.

A Health Care Surrogate form and possibly a Living Will. These documents name someone to act on your behalf whether you are in the ICU and cannot speak for yourself or are simply having knee surgery and the imaging center forgot to send over your MRI. You are naming someone to handle it! I recommend keeping a copy in the glovebox of the car because not many of us will remember to stop at home and grab something from the filing cabinet if we get a call that a loved one is in the emergency room!

In most circumstances it is strongly recommended that we all have a will. If we have forgotten to add a beneficiary to some old bank account that the family finds after death, that bank account may not pass to your intended beneficiaries without a will.

If you have a trust then you still need a will, it is called a “pour over” will and it provides that if you forgot to title an asset into the name of your trust during your life that the asset should “pour over” into your trust after your death.

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